Via by Claire DeVoogd

Winter Editions

Softcover / / pp

ISBN 978-1-959708-04-9


Poet Claire DeVoogd’s first book explores what happens to speech, history, and the future when approached from an imagined position after ending—after after—charting a path from an unreal “before” to modernity.

"Claire DeVoogd has a capacious mind. Her poetry has the commotion of history’s frantic details and grand movements, and a metaphysical silence that is post-apocalyptic. Via is a road for visionary readers."
—Robert Glück

"A passionate eulogy for life on this earth, Via represents an Errand into the wilderness of our contemporary era."
—Susan Howe

Claire DeVoogd is a poet and teacher in New York City. She is the author of a chaplet Apocalypses 1-12 (Belladonna*). Other recent work can be found in The Atlantic, NYRB, Prelude, The Brooklyn Rail, Pfiel, and elsewhere. She co-edits Terrific Books, a pamphlet press. Her first book of poetry, Via, was published by Winter Editions in the fall of 2023. She holds an MFA in Poetry from Brooklyn College where she was a Truman Capote Fellow.